Capitol City (Spartan Controlled)

Name: Belesara City
Description: A large city with mountains surrounding it on three sides, the entrance on the west side is the only way in and out of the city (Not counting going through the mountains) There's also a lake on the east side. The big city has pretty much everything in it, and is the most populated city in the game so far. One key thing about Belesara is the massive tower in the middle of the city, extending far into the clouds. The tower is the base of the Spartan Army that owns and lives in Belesara. Although you do not need to have to have anything to do with them to live here. Just don't commit crimes.

Under Mendores' command, use of weapons has been banned in the city. A barrier will take take away your weapons upon entering the city. The weapons will be stored in your personal stash and will magically return to you when you leave the city. The Spartans also have an anti-magic barrier in the city, so people cannot use offensive magic within the city limits (Non-offensive magic still works though). However, these magic and weapon bans do not affect the Spartans who patrol the city. It's their way of forcing the citizens to obey the laws, since the Spartans replaced the police force. The many Spartans patrolling are armed to the teeth, and all of your weapons and offensive spells are taken away from you. It's enough to make most people think twice before giving the Spartans a reason to come after them.

Also, the Spartans have several floors worth of snipers up in the Spartan tower, constantly watching over the civilians to make sure no one is causing trouble. People who commit a crime within the city will be shot without hesitation. (Although they aim for non-fatal shots unless you're doing something particularly bad.) These snipers can see you anywhere in the city, even through walls, and they are capable of listening in on conversations. Belesara has the lowest crime-rate out of every city in the world and is also the safest city in the world for people who seek protection, for good reasons. That protection comes at a cost no matter who you turn to. If you want the protection of the Spartans, it will cost you your right to privacy and your right to protect yourself.
Points of Interest: Shops, Spartan Tower, Magic Barber Shop, Zanath's Mansion

History: Built by Estellese and some betas during the first month of the Beta Tests. Later taken over by Kadin and the Moderators, then taken back by Mendores, Estellese, and the Spartans. Been the capital human city ever since.

Important People Here: Most Spartans, Mendores, Estellese, and Zanath

Other: You can not teleport into this city, attempts will land you right outside the city. Although you can teleport out of it. The anti-teleportation magic does not work on portals though.