Extremely Dangerous Area

Name: Ice Peaks
Description: The icy mountains north of Belesara city. They expand over a massive area, even bigger than the Belesara mountains to the south. These snowy mountains are usually below 0 degrees, and while they are not as steep, rocky, and windy as the Belesara mountains and they have their fair share of flat areas, they are icy, slick, and covered in snow. So even though they may be a little flatter and less cliffy then the other mountains, they are arguably more hazardous to travel due to the risks of slipping on the ice or freezing to death. The mountains are home to the elven village of Tiraka, as well as homes to many dangerous monsters.

Much like the Altia Isles where the fairies live, there is a magic energy emanating from this location. It feels almost like walking into a fog to those who are not accustom to this energy. Casting magic feels ever so slightly easier here, but not enough to make much of a difference. The closer to the center of the mountains the stronger the emanating magic gets, however nowhere on the mountain does it get nearly as strong as it is on the Altia Isles.
Points of Interest: A strange plateau of flat stone in the center of the mountain, where this magical fog is strongest. Tiraka Village in the north-east

Important People Here: The frost Elves

Monsters Here:

Yeti - Estimated Power: 33

Cryophoenix - Estimated Power: 50

Chimera - Estimated Power: 58

Reaper - Estimated Power: 65

Elementals (Ice) - Estimated Power: 67

Animated Armor - Estimated Power: 68

Shapeshifter - Estimated Power: 80