Somewhat Dangerous Area

Name: The Southern Field
Description: The southern half of the big grassy field that stretches from Belesara down to Port Redwarren. There are some trees, and a farm or two scattered around the area, but it's also inhabited by monsters, like everyplace else. Port Redwarren and the ocean shore is on the south-most side of the field. The field cuts between the Ancient Forest to the west, and the Belesara Mountains that run along the east side of it.
Points of Interest: Port Redwarren, The Abandoned Mansion.

Important People Here: None

Monsters Here:

Giant Wasp Swarms - Estimated Power: 5 (each)

Wolf - Estimated Power: 5

Goblin - Estimated Power: 6

Slime - Estimated Power: 18

Giant Spider - Estimated Power: 23

Cerberus - Estimated Power: 33

Vampires - Estimated Power: 37